Monday, 9 June 2014

Hello everyone!!!My name is Priyatham and I am a B.Tech Computer Science&Engineering student from SASTRA UNIVERSITY.I am interested in technology and regarding the updates of famous search engines,company's and the list continues.......
At present I wanna share few facts about the GOOGLE,the top most search engine,so far known to me!!

  • Google is an American multinational corporation specializing in internet-related services and products.This includes cloud computing.
  • Cloud computing is nothing but a direct connection between the clients and the servers.
  • CEO of google is Larry Page.
  • Founded by Larry page and Sergey Bin.
  • Few secrets of the google are:
    • When you perform an image search for "atari breakout" then you can play a classic game.
    • Inorder to make a barrel roll,just text "do a barrel role" so now you are gonna see a barrel role.
    • The logo of google in 1998 is just awesome,inorder to check it out ,just text "google in 1998".
    • This one is quite funny,when you google "anagram" .Have the fun in checking it!!!
  • These are the few things about google.